Quest:The Lady's Favour

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The Lady's Favour
Level 90
Type Solo
Starts with Auto-bestowed
Starts at Oserley
Ends with Torferth
Ends at Tordag's Camp
End Region Broadacres
Map Ref [45.7S, 72.1W]
Quest Group Broadacres
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

When you come to Torsbury, you should deliver Lúfa's favour to Torferth.


Lady Lúfa had given you her favour to deliver to Torferth of Torsbury as a token of her faithful but forever unrequited love.

Objective 1

Torferth is in Torsbury, west of Oserley.

When you come to Torsbury, you should deliver Lúfa's favour to Torferth.

Torferth: 'What is this you bring me? I recognize it! This belongs to Lúfa, daughter of Gísling...but did she not wed Ordlac of Oserley?
'You say that she did not wed him out of love? Alas, that we should be torn apart for politics and alliances. I will treasure this and swear if Ordlac does not bring her joy, he shall feel the taste of my steel....
'I am sorry...I should not speak so harshly before you.'